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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by aurora04 Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:44 am

and I feel so bad for her! She has a double ear infection (never had one of those before) and bronchitis MIGHT be starting. She hates taking medicine, but has been a trooper with all the tylenol and motrin that I've been giving her for 3 days, not to mention her antibiotic (that just started last night). She is also on 2 puffers, but we only have one right now. The doctor made a mistake on the steroid puffer dosage so the pharmacist would not give it to us (which I'm fine with of course). She only needs the "rescue" puffer if she's short of breath, which hasn't happened at all. Of course it's the steroid puffer that she needs that he messed up with. I have a call into his office, but if I don't hear back from him soon I'll have to call my doctor's office back (we took her to the practices clinic) to see if there is someone there that can see her. My doctor doesn't work on Mondays or Fridays, but he sometimes has a doctor in that will cover his paitients if needed.

I can't complain too much because this is her first illness since preschool started this year, where last year she was sick the whole year (mostly colds, but there were 2 throat infections). I just feel so bad for her. This week at preschool were Halloween parties (they have them 5 days since not all kids go 5 days a week). Ceilidh has missed 3 of them. She was not happy the first 2 days that she missed, but she understands now that she needed to and didn't complain when I called her off today. Plus she doesn't want to risk feeling really bad tonight and not being able to go trick or treating. Unless she's feeling completely miserable tho, she'll be going. We'll just make sure we have her motrin/tylenol and her "rescue" puffer. Not that we take them to many houses, but just incase.

Last edited by aurora04 on Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by tara Fri Oct 31, 2008 8:37 am

Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP 820607
Aww poor honey, I'm sorry. It sucks Saige was sick last week, actually she came home the very first week sick from pre-K Sad Last week she got pneumonia and for the last month we have been trading colds and I have been sick non stop, lol. It's always worse when it's alwasy worse when it's our babies though. I hope she feels better quickly, hang in there.

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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by Lori Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:54 am

This was always the worst time of year for my kids with their asthma and such. Once the leaves hit the ground and you get the fall rains and the leaf mold, they were done for. I swear they were always sick at Halloween.

One ear infection is bad enough - 2? My lord, poor thing. The doctors must get worn down this time of year, too, with their waiting rooms packed all the time.

Dawn - Things like this bother me, (except when I do it!), but I just noticed that you have a typo in Nova Scotia under your avatar. Take care of that asap, ok?

Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP 147615

(and cracking up!)

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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by chelle Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:27 am

So sorry she is sick!!

*and so glad that lori is on someone else for a typo and not me! * Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP 88315

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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by thebigscott Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:37 am

Poor baby! We've had colds one after the other since school started, but none of them were bad.
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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by edbson Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:40 am

Poor kid. I have had my share of bronchitis with bay, and it is no fun....

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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by aurora04 Fri Oct 31, 2008 8:27 pm

Lori - Thanks for pointing out the typo. It's all fixed!

I didn't even know if she was going to be able to go trick or treating, but the motrin kicked in really fast and she made it. She let us know when she was done tho and we went back to my inlaws (we go to their neighborhood). She lasted longer then I expected (an hour). Last year she was sick from September right until June but they were all just colds (well 2 throat infections). When she got her fever, I kept asking her if anything hurt, and she kept saying no. I only took her in because her cough was worrying me mixed with the fever (her fevers go away after one dose of motrin maybe 2 at the most). I really thought it was going to be nothing because she has had worse coughs that were nothing. It really shocked me when the doctor said both ears were infected. She never complained about that at all. Hopefully tomorrow will be a much better day for her (the poor kid HATES medicine where Zach LOVES it, LOL).
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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by chelle Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:38 pm

I am glad she was able to trick or treat.

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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by aurora04 Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:03 pm

OMG, Ceilidh is still feeling like crap! She's still getting fevers up to 102.4 and that is after 3 full days of antibiotics. I was so hoping she would be feeling better by now! Her nose is raw from rubbing it/blowing it so much. It's still running horribly, so her nose isn't going to heal anytime soon. She is staying home from preschool again tomorrow. This will be 4 days that she missed. She's still coughing horribly as well. DH wants me to cut out the steroid puffer since he thinks it is too much medication for a little girl to be on. I agree, it's a lot of medicine for her to be on, but she needs it all!! The instructions we were told (and have written down by the last doctor) is to give both puffers until the cough has been gone for 2 days! Dh seems to think she said give both puffers for 2 days. That's what I thought she said as well, until I read what she said (it was hard to hear what she was saying with Zach playing with the toys and dropping them on the floor). I know her fever could also be caused by the cold she has, or a viral infection (her throat was red, and her glands were swollen), so the antibiotics wouldn't help that part, but I was hoping that after 4 days of tylenol or motrin (tomorrow will be day 5) would have been enough. I'm actually hoping that she takes after Zach in the way that on day 5 his fever would be gone just as quick as it arrived.
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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by tara Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:08 pm

Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP 820607 I hope she is better tomorrow

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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by chelle Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:37 pm

I am so sorry she is still feeling bad. Sad poor thing

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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by edbson Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:46 pm

Poor thing. sucks to be sick. She will probably have to be weaned off the steroid Inhaler, it is not usually something you can just stop.....just keep that in mind.

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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by aurora04 Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:52 pm

I just read the instructions on the aerochamber, and apparently I've been doing it wrong (well not wrong, but not the way for the best results). I followed the pharmacists instructions, not the instructions included for "best results". I'll try the other way tomorrow to see if it makes any difference. I know she was getting the medicine into her lungs the way I was doing it (she could taste it as she was breathing it in), but maybe this way will get more in faster.

I'll keep in mind about the weaning off the steroid puffer. I never even thought of that. We were just told to give it unil the coughing is gone for 2 days. She was on steroids before (for her birthmark) and she had to weaned off of that, so I guess this shouldn't surprise me.
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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by edbson Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:00 pm

For the aerochamber, we fill it, then have them breathe great. You can sometimes stop an inhaled steroid cold turkey, but not always.....

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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by aurora04 Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:42 pm

Erin - That's what I've been doing as well. The instructions said to have her inhale at the same time I put the first dose in, then have her breath normally. Then I'm to wait 30 seconds (with the mask off) before administering the second dose (she gets 2 puffs from each puffer). I'll try this way tomorrow to see how it goes, but I'm not expecting much. Ceilidh dreads seeing me come with this. I can't see her willingly breathing in as I'm putting in the first dose.
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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by edbson Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:44 pm

Nebulizers are SO much easier IMO....I would ask for one if this is going to be an ongoing thing

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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by thebigscott Mon Nov 03, 2008 12:35 am

Poor baby Sad At least she got to trick or treat, but still, she has been through so much. I will say a prayer for her.
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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by aurora04 Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:36 am

I am so hoping this isn't going to be an ongoing thing! She has had many coughs/colds, but this has been a first to turn into bronchitis (or start to turn to bronchitis). The aerochamber wasn't covered by our insurance and cost us over $50, so I would hate to see how much a nebulizer will cost if insurance won't cover it (if we needed it, we would get it tho, not an issue). She's getting much better with the aerochamber. Barely a whimper out of her this morning when we had to do it.

She's feeling a bit better today. I think her fever finally broke during the night. I gave her motrin at 12:00AM, so was allowed more around 6AM, but has been normal so I'm just going to wait and see how it goes for a couple hours before I really believe the fever is gone! Her nose is still running horribly and she's sneezing alot, so she's still pretty miserable. She's still coughing pretty bad, so it looks like I'll be having to send her puffer and aerochamber to preschool tomorrow with her (as well as her antibiotic). And she's actually eating!! She has barely eaten anything since she got sick, maybe 2 very very small meals a day). She also hardly ate any halloween candy. I would let her have some even if she only ate a little bit of real food, and it would still take her the whole day to finish the treat she had picked out (once was a chocolate sucker, and the other one was a small bag of chips). She's also acting herself, which is great!! I am so hoping that once she gets a normal amount of food into her, she'll be much much better.

Thanks everyone for listening!
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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by chelle Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:24 am

Dawn, if you havent tried saline spray (just put a few drops in her nose, you dont have to 'spray' it in there) it will help ALOT with killing the bacteria. I swear by the stuff. We usually use it exclusivly unless the sneezing is just out of control or the drainage is so bad we have to use a 'drying' agent.

and my kids (especially Matt) get a cough every year. to the point that he sounds like he has whoopin cough. seriously. The school used to freak out. Poor thing cant go hunting, cant sleep, nothing. and sounds like a old man. but alergy meds help. and he only takes them periodically. its the drainage that gets him.

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Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP Empty Re: Ceilidh has her first sickness of the school year... UPDATE NP

Post by thebigscott Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:42 am

I'm glad to hear she's a bit better, even though she's a long way from well. Hopefully, the worst is over.
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