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The final update on Ceilidh's face (at least until the next surgery)

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The final update on Ceilidh's face (at least until the next surgery) Empty The final update on Ceilidh's face (at least until the next surgery)

Post by aurora04 Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:23 am

Ceilidh had her stitch removed on Friday. I felt so bad for her! They had to re-open part of the incision to get it out. They didn't realize that would have been the case since part of it was sticking out. All they used was a sharper/finer pair of tweezers, so all she needed was a bandaid to cover it. She started off really scared and wouldn't even let them take the bandage off (they put on the numbing cream then covered it with a bandage). She kept screaming and crying for that part, so they wrapped her up in a blanket. I sat by her head the whole time so she could see me. She realized it hurt the most when she screamed and cried and kicked her legs, so she stopped doing that. Then when her derm started digging around more to get the stitch out, the crying started again (not that I could blame her). At one point she started yelling "It hurts, I'm serious, it really really hurts". I almost started crying with her at that point. When they finally got the stitch out, the derm was amazed at how big it was! She thought it was just a little piece still stuck there, but I guess it was a whole stitch that never dissolved.

After it was all done and we were walking outside to meet my mother, she said it only hurt for a minute. They gave her a popsicle afterwards since she did so well. We had a deal that if she was brave, I would buy her some webkinz cards and my mother would buy her a webkinz. So she got her webkinz cards and her new webkinz. She asked if Zach would get some cards to, and I told her I would get him some, but it would be less then what she got since she earned them. She didn't like that idea. She wanted Zach to get the same amount as her (but she quickly changed her mind when we got to the store, LOL).
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The final update on Ceilidh's face (at least until the next surgery) Empty Re: The final update on Ceilidh's face (at least until the next surgery)

Post by Missy Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:57 am

Such a brave little girl! Glad that it got taken care of, but my goodness! This experiance is really going to help her deal with things as she gets older. She sounds so brave at her age though. Good luck with future appointments!

So cute sounding though, with the Webkinz thing. That was so sweet of her to think of her brother at a time like that too. Shows that she is compassionate and caring.
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The final update on Ceilidh's face (at least until the next surgery) Empty Re: The final update on Ceilidh's face (at least until the next surgery)

Post by tara Sun Sep 28, 2008 1:01 pm

Oh Dawn I'm so sorry for you, and glad it's over. I'm sorry for her too of course but I think it's probably a lot rougher on us as parents to have to stand by while our kids are in pain and make them do things that they can't completely comprehend yet.

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The final update on Ceilidh's face (at least until the next surgery) Empty Re: The final update on Ceilidh's face (at least until the next surgery)

Post by thebigscott Sun Sep 28, 2008 1:39 pm

Oh poor baby! Maybe with the stitch out it will be less tender now. I hope so, at least.
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The final update on Ceilidh's face (at least until the next surgery) Empty Re: The final update on Ceilidh's face (at least until the next surgery)

Post by aurora04 Sun Sep 28, 2008 1:57 pm

Thanks everone! I was so proud of her! She won't let me take the bandaid off still, but that is nothing new for her. LOL. She likes to leave bandaids on until they fall off by themselves. She did agree to let me take it off in the tub tonight using lots of water (I really hope it's not a waterproof bandaid).

I definetly think it was harder on me since after the fact she was fine and hasn't talked about it since, but me I can still picture her wrapped up in the blanket and the fear in her eyes. That I don't think I will ever forget.

We have one more appointment with her plastic surgeon on the 20 (or 21st) of October, but I'm not expecting that appointment to bring any new news (except the approximate month for the next surgery). She's worried that this appointment is her surgery, but we keep telling her it's not and we would be sure to tell her when the next surgery is. It won't be a surprise for her.

I am so hoping that once her face heals now, it will be an end to the tenderness. I hate the thought that there is one spot on her that is causing her some discomfort.
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