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My latest drama

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My latest drama Empty My latest drama

Post by chelle Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:02 pm

Okay, for those of y'all that read my blog you know that my kids are permantly kicked off thebus.

If you dont read it here is the reason behind the drama

well, My mother in law has been driving them back and forth to her work ( a day care) and they catch the daycare van to go to school. Fine and dandy, they have done it for years till this year when her boss decided to start charging me 50.00 a week to do it. (school is about 1/4 of a mile from the daycare, and my MIL opens, then actually waits to get off work till they show back up, giving her 30 free minutes a day of work....) They have done it for years, like I said, cause its an hour plus in the mornings and evenings to ride the bus. and MIL always volunteered to do it, I never asked. NEVER.

The only time this is really bad is when MIL is sick, or off or has something to do, very rare,but in the past they could ride the bus.

BUT, SIL and BIL live with MIL, MIL's truck broke down a few weeks ago, so she has been using SIL's truck to get back and forth. no biggie, SIL has a work van that she brings home.

well BIL also works with SIL at the same place and has a work van he brings home. BUT he is fixing to quit to go to work where BR and other BIL work. They all work what ever hours they want so there is no ridin back and forth with each other.

and BILs truck for some reason is broke (he just drove it on Christmas, I think its more of a we live here, you pay most of the bills and cook and clean, but we are tired of you using our stuff thing... ) SO, he is going to be using SIL's truck, which means that MIL will not have a ride back and forth.

FIL does have another truck, its a single cab, so only 2 kids could ride, and it is currently in the shop getting fixed. (oh did I mention that MIL also takes SIL"s son to school too?, cause he doesnt like the bus)

well, incase the single cab doesnt get fixed in time, MIL is going to change her work schedule to work 9 am to 6pm. This is the exact scheldule that my neice works, so my OTHER SIL can drive them both back and forth.

anyway, to make a long convulted story short, my kids will no longer have a ride to school

ITs 20 miles, and I refuse to drive them. Mostly on principal. What they did was stupid, but NOT enough to make a federal case out of .

SO much to my dismay, I am going to have to homeschool the mo-rons.

does anyone know anything about it and what I need to do ?

Number of posts : 6471
Location : Deep South East Texas
Honeycomb : the abyss with keys that dont fit any locks
Registration date : 2008-03-10

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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by thebigscott Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:13 pm

Oh lord. Chelle, I am so sorry. I don't know anything much about homeschooling, but there are books and online sites.
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Really Not Getting Much Done Around the House

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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by tara Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:23 pm

Not that it's funny but
My latest drama 88315
Lets start a pot on how long before you kill them- well you can't participate but the rest of us..... You'll be overwhelmed with advertising requests on your blog.

On a serious note there are lots of online resources for home schooling, I would suggest joining a group for homeschooling, look around on one of those networking sites for other homeschoolers in your area that may be able to share materials with you.

Your best bet may be to become a bus driver.

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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by chelle Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:28 pm

I fiqured it would come down to this karen. after the stupidity of the whole kicked out of school thing, I knew it was going to be this bad. I am not worried about teaching them, or much as I hate to, even dealing with them 24/7. (I really need the break school gives me) BUT I do hate that they wont see friends.

Luckily we have baseball and 4-H. and I will REALLY miss the PTA. REALLY. for me its like a job. Its all I have. LOL I take it VERY seriously. and not to sound like the most important person in the world. BUT, this chool didnt have a PTA for years. The year before my kid came, I went to the principal, started a few things and did them MYSELF. NO OUTSIDE help. THEN last year it was ME and one other woman that did it all. This year its ME and HER again. every once in a while we get one or two people that will help. this is going to hurt 500 OTHER kids more than it will hurt MINE. Thats what bothers me.

and that sounds selfish, cause I am NOT the 'all important' BUT when there aint noone else....

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Location : Deep South East Texas
Honeycomb : the abyss with keys that dont fit any locks
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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by chelle Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:29 pm


the 2 weeks that they have been home has about killed me!! or them...

okay, soooooooo who is gona start the pot? ROFLMAO!!

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Honeycomb : the abyss with keys that dont fit any locks
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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by edbson Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:50 pm

There ya go...I considered it for about 12 seconds.

BTW, I am taking the 12 days spot, she ain't gonna last long.

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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by tara Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:52 pm

I have faith in you, I'll give you a couple months. It will be like summer at first, and then when summer starts to roll around you will realize they have been driving you nuts for months and it isn't even summer yet, lol.

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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by edbson Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:55 pm

I would call the principal and transportation director, the School district is denying them FAPE ( free access to public education) by not allowing them to ride the bus. I would tell them that since it is a hardhsip on your family, and you do not have transportation for them that you WILL be homeschholing them, and the Public school can pick up the expense, since they denied them FAPE and all. I would then point out that you will be filing a complaint with the OCR if you do not receive payment for homeschooling within X amount of days . 10 days is good. I am betting the principal gets on the transportation director/bus drivers A$$ and they get back on the bus.

Number of posts : 5916
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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by chelle Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:28 pm

LOL tara!!

Thanks erin.

and I do plan on going in and talking to them. I explained when it happened and they got back in school (by then, I had had it up to here with Zero Tollerance) that when it came down to it I WOULD NOT drive them in. it would cost me at least 100.00 a week.

At the time I did have a viable option. AND I wanted so badly to keep them in school because my santa shop was coming up. I had been buying things to sell in there for months. The santa shop is MY BABY! I have done it since Brett was in kindergarten. So, I was being selfish. LOL

You know whats bad? They didnt even get kicked OFF the bus. The bus driver NEVER knew it! It didnt come off their conduct at school CAUSE it happened ON the bus, BUT the transpertation dept was NEVER involoved. It just came to be they got kicked off cause the 'planning ' for the despicibal act was ON the bus...

And its not like they are angels on the bus, they have been kicked off before. Last year on the day I was delivering Bow they had to ride the bus from my grandfathers that morning. (spent the night with him that night) and got into a fist fight, (with each other) and got kicked off... LOL

I am sorry, but these are boys. I am constantly walking in and finding green colored paper balls all over the floor. with a kid hiding behind every avalible peice of furnature, and jumping around.
They are lobbing 'gernades' at each other.. should I call in the FBI because they are doing this? Send them to counciling? I mean, the INTENT to kill each other is there. Isnt it?

OR are they just being boys? playing army- doing what kids do...

I dont know.. Its just so hard to deal with them over the whole thing. cause once I sat back and thought about it, I realized, Schools have NO sense nowdays.

Its just like at the 5th and 6th grade school. they are NOT allowed to talk. PERIOD. in the halls between class, in the lunch room, NOWHERE. I am not talking about they are not allowed to laugh, and push and pick. There is NO TALKING. and the halls are ONE way only. They have a ZERO tollerance on this too.

We are not raising kids, we are raising robots. (who all have to dress in the same damn clothes...thanks to uniforms) I would MUCH rather have a kid with an imagination than I had a kid who is scared to cough in public for fear of being given detention.

So my kids have guns, and Bows and Arrows, and know how to use them. Yet you give them a playstation and they cant even turn it on...

sorry, got on a rant. I am just SOOOO agervated over all of it. But your right erin, they are denying them the basic education. Isnt that what I pay school taxes for? AND why in the hell do people who DONT use the system have to pay the damn taxes, YET people who send their kids up there (all elebenteen of them) for free lunches and free school supplies not have to pay a DIME in TAXES?? GGGGGGRRRRRRRRR

oH and on a positive note, Rayley is getting GOOD with her Bow and Arrow!! She is hitting the target at about 8 yards!! Smile thats pretty good for a 4 year old wth a bow that weighs 9 pounds and has a 10 pound draw!! and she is no bigger than a popcorn fart. Size 4T's fall off of her!! I bet she doesnt weigh 28 pounds! LOL

Number of posts : 6471
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Honeycomb : the abyss with keys that dont fit any locks
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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by chelle Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:36 pm

OH shit, Rayley is in my lap, Bow is alseep at the othe rend of the couch, and she said "is that a picture of Bow in my car?"

I said "yep, does that bother you?"
"of course it does! it looks like he is fixing to break it! why on earth would you let him do that? its for barbies silly! Not babies!!"
"shhhh you are going to wake him up!"
"well you NEED to wake him up, "
"cause he needs his butt busted. and I aint talkin 'bout no swat on his diaper, I mean with a peach tree switch! "
"where'd you hear about a peach tree switch?"
" I dont know, but I heard they hurt like the dickens, so thats what you need to use"
"well Rayley, I'll whoop him, but I will also need to whoop the kid that left their precious toy IN the living room for him to get in to start with"
"hmmm.. well, you can let him get away with it this ONE time, but next time he needs a whoopin"

I swear, I wont make it 3 days more with all of them at home... I was looking SOOO forward to her going to school next year! LOL

Although,I DO see her getting kicked out quite quickly. she doesnt suffer fools lightly and will NOT tolerate some of the kids at school...

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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by edbson Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:09 pm

NO talking at all? THta is not a school, that is a Nazi camp!
I would SO SO file a complaint against them, let someone tell Bay she cannot talk in the halls.....then again, maybe that is why everytime I go into the school i hear " here she comes, that B**ch!'

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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by thebigscott Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:16 pm

I agree with Erin. They can't deny your kids an education. And frankly, what they did was stupid, not criminal. Just cause a school leader CAN overreact and make a big deal out of stuff that they probably did at that age doesn't mean they SHOULD. Hell, I tried to build things that would explode when I was their age. And I was about as successful as they were. Now I'm a fine upstanding person who has never had more than a speeding ticket. I volunteer and donate to charities and pay taxes and contribute to my community. But I was once a kid with an imagination. It wouldn't hurt them to remember when they were kids.
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Really Not Getting Much Done Around the House

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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by wtr27513 Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:59 pm

If I were you I would write a letter to the school board, school superintendent (sp) and send a copy to the jerk principal! Unless they murdered somebody nothing is so serious as to be kicked of the bus considering your driving situation! Sounds like you have a jerk for a principal but I really wanted to use a different work than jerk! I had 3 kids that could act up at times but they never got kicked off the school bus, they knew they might see the inside of a funeral home if they embarassed their State Trooper Mother. I had to go to the high school once for my oldest son (high class rich kids Fairfax County! I ended up getting the principal to fire the security guard if I could prove she lied about my son because she didn't like her daughter. She swore she saw his black Cordoba with a red roof and she was so close she could read his plate number because she was so close and he was racing through the parking lot. I went home (I also had my State Trooper uniform on which scared the you know what out of the security guard then went home (5 minutes drive) and drove Rob's black Chrysler Cordoba back to the school with a black roof which my brother painted the day before. I had so much fun seeing her cry when she got fired on the spot! As far as I am concerned more adults lie than children do!


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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by edbson Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:33 am

Chelle, after reading your blog post I am rethinking the decribing to bay how to put cherry bombs in a toilet. And I bought her cherry bombs in La......

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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by chelle Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:43 am

LOL, yep. pretty freakin bad nowadays... LOL

And mine were really PLAYING. had NO intentions of BLOWIN up anyone!!

Heck, just tonight one of them asked how good at using their bows they had to get before they got to light them on fire.. LOL

I am just SOOOO glad I never showed them how to make a volcano with baking soda and viniger. or everything you can do with dry ice.. Not to mention the mentos and coke.. or GOD FORBID, actually SHOWED them the works and tinfoil...

Can you imagine if they had just mentioned any of those things?? we were thisclose to having them search our house cause Matt mentioned gun powder!!

and had our house not burned, we used to reload for skeet shooting and hunting, but havent been able to afford to buy the whole set up again.

If they ONLY KNew what I did as a kid! LOL I'd be arrested for cruelty to snails or something.

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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by thebigscott Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:47 am

They just had a trial for a kid in Scott's school who put cherry bombs in the toilet. The bomb went off in the pipe in the wall and burst the pipe and blew the toilet off the floor and did thousands of dollars worth of damage. In court (against the advice of his lawyer) he insisted on telling how he could not have done all that damage with just that one cherry bomb by explaining that the dozens of times he did it last year it didn't once bust anything so the one he put in this time couldn't have ruined the pipes--they must have already been damaged by something! Not surprisingly, he was found guilty and will have to pay for the repairs.
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Really Not Getting Much Done Around the House

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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by edbson Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:50 am

She's not gonna take them to school, LOL. She already blew up all the ant hills in the yard,and the crawfish mounds too..

But yeah, the toilet will come off the floor, and make a huge mess in general....not that I ever did anything like that at school. Nope, not me.

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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by chelle Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:03 am

we were just discussing cherry bombs the other day, (cause you know, you get a bunch of rednecks together with fireworks and they start talking about what they did as kids...) and were talkign about how you cant get good ones anymore...

guess you got to go out of state to get them... LOL

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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by valerie Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:34 pm

I am confused, which is normal.
I am a school bus driver, and I have never heard of such a thing.
The child gets in trouble in school, gets suspended, then is allowed back in school, but is suspended off the bus for the rest of the year???If the incident happened in school why is he kicked off the bus?

Do you have a Department of education(Government agency)?
If so, I would take it up with them.
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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by chelle Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:58 pm

LOL valerie dont worry, it confuses me too! LOL

Their reasoning for kicking the kids off the bus, was they DID all of this ON the bus, discussing bein in the army, talking about bombs, etc.

The kicking them out of school was .... I dont know why... honestly. LOL

But it worked out well, they got an 11 day vacation while my dad was visiting. they hardly ever get to see him.

PLUS, they got to do all their work and be graded on it Wink LOL

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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by valerie Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:15 pm

I don't just sounds weird to me.
I would certainly go higher up the chain of command, if I were you.
Sounds to me like the principal has a God complex and needs to be knocked off of their pedestal.
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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by trax Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:17 pm

How did your children receive their homework? Get it back and then be graded on it?

Glad Grampa was able to visit; this must have great meaning to him and your children.

Best Wishes in 2009 - from what I see you will need a rainbow leading into a pot of gold to strike on St. Patricks day. Or a heart that breaks in two and supplies chocolates to everyone!
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My latest drama Empty Re: My latest drama

Post by wtr27513 Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:00 pm

You certainly can't punish them by smacking them, that's child abuse and you would be the one in jail and possibly have the children removed from your home. Frankly I believe we should be allowed to smack our kids but not to thee point of child abuse, they know you can't do anything like that to control or punish them. Frankly and fortunately I never had a reason to smack any of my kids, but when your Mom is in Law Enforcement you know how to get away with murder!
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